Simon and Garfunkel Bridge over Troubled Water 1970

Best Albums of the 1970s

My favorite albums are those of which I listen to every (or almost every) song over and over again—just because I want to. They are that good. I am neither a musician or a musicologist, but I have been listening to all kinds of music for decades. I appreciate most

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Michael Jackson Thriller

The 10 Best Selling Albums of All Time

Find out about the ten best selling albums of all time, including the year they were released, and how many official copies were sold of each album. Over the years, certain albums have emerged as titans, dominating the charts and etching themselves into the minds of generations. These albums are

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pexels edwardeyer 811838

The 5 Best Modern Guitar Players

This current era of guitar playing is defined by ingenuity and creativity above all, and guitarists who demonstrate both are rewarded by millions of streams. The newest breed of guitar virtuosos has emerged, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible on six–or sometimes seven or eight–strings. From mind-bending solos to intricate

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