
Best Blues Guitar Players

Not everyone is a fan of the Blues, but you might be after listening to the best blues guitar players- like B.B King or Stevie Ray Vaughn. We encourage you to check them and others out on any of the streaming sites. Then, tell us, who you like. In its

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Musicians That Died Too Young For The “27 Club”

While most folks are familiar with the “27 Club,” how well do you remember those popular musicians who never reached their 27th birthday? This is a group of musicians that died too young. The “27 Club” refers to a group of musicians who died at the age of 27. Death

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When the Call of the Rock Gods Ceases

Why would anyone leave the glitz and glamour of the music industry once they’ve reached music stardom? Depends. For one rocker, it’s simple: “All rock-and-rollers over the age of 50 look stupid and should retire.” For others, the reason for leaving may be loss, disillusionment or frustration, or an entirely

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